Département de la chirurgie dentaire

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    ( 2008-05-24) Badr-Eddine SAR
    Extrêmement rares, les malformations veineuses sont la conséquence d'une dysplasie résultant d'une anomalie proliférative des cellules endothéliales. Quand elles sont à localisation faciale, comme les malformations veineuses labiales (MVL), elles s'accompagnent souvent d'un défect esthétique, voire de troubles fonctionnels à l'origine d'une répercussion psychosociale péjorative. Sujets et méthodes : Etant donné que des gènes, autres que TIE-2 (tyrosine kinase with 1g [immunoglobulin] and EGF [epidermal growth factor] homology domain-2) (premier gène identifié), situés sur le chromosome 9 ont été suspectés dans le risque d'apparition des malformations veineuses, mais aussi suite à des études récentes, faisant ressortir bon nombre de pathologies liées au groupe ABo "localisés au niveau du chromosome 9"; le premier objectif principal de ce travail était de suggérer, à partir d'un échantillon de trois cas avec une forme sporadique de MVL et six contrôles de la même tranche d'âge, l'implication des allèles O comme facteur de risque dans le développement des MVL. Par ailleurs, il est sans ignorer que l'endogamie et la consanguinité augmentent la fréquence des polymalformations et des maladies génétiques récessives rares. Et, c'est ainsi que le second objectif principal de cette thèse était de montrer leurs effets dans la pathogenèse de ces malformations. Ainsi, parmi 18093 familles consanguines recensées sur une période de 20 ans à partir de registres de mariages, cinq familles avec un enfant présentant une MVL, issues de deux régions géographiques, l'une fortement endogame (Nedroma) et l'autre peu endogame (Maghnia), ont été recrutées pour un essai descriptif rétrospectif à l'Unité de Pathologie et Chirurgie Orale du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Tlemcen. L'objectif secondaire de cette étude a été la prise en charge thérapeutique, par la correction de l'esthétique faciale et le rétablissement de la fonction labiale. Pour cela, la chirurgie lésionnelle était de mise précédée de plusieurs temps de sclérothérapie au sulfate de tétradécyl de sodium 3% ou à l'alcool absolu. Résultats : Les résultats de la première étude ont indiqué un risque attribuable (RA) aux allèles O de 60 % (p = 0,040). Ces résultats ont été confirmés dans la seconde étude (Odds ratio [OR] = 1,154), indiquant une fréquence plus élevée des allèles O par rapport aux allèles non-O (tous les sujets [n =28] : 16 [57,1%] vs. 12 [42,9%]patients avec MVL [n = 51: 3 [60%] vs. 2 [40%] respectivement). Par ailleurs, le niveau élevé de la consanguinité a été enregistré chez les familles de la région de Nedroma, où le coefficient de consanguinité moyen a été évalué à 0.051. Enfin, le risque d'apparition de la pathologie a été 11 fois plus élevé à Nedroma qu'à Maghnia. Concernant l'étape thérapeutique, les résultats obtenus ont été satisfaisants tant en matière d'esthétique faciale que de fonction labiale. Aussi, il a été constaté que l'action sclérosante de l'alcool absolu a été supérieure à celle du sulfate de tétradécyl de sodium (sulfate de tétradécyl de sodium 3% : nombre d'injections (lmL/injection) = 7,5 ± 0,7 [extrêmes : 7-8] ; alcool absolu: nombre d'injections (lmL/injection) = 5,7 ± 0,6 [extrêmes: 5-6], F = 10,371, p < 0,05). Conclusion : Cette étude suggère pour la première fois que certaines formes sporadiques de MVL seraient associées aux allèles O du système AB0. Il serait judicieux de parachever ce travail par une étude de liaison des marqueurs SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism), qui permettrait de confirmer ces résultats et éventuellement de localiser et d'identifier, au niveau du chromosome 9, d'autres gènes responsables du déterminisme de cette pathologie. De même, et c'est également une première, la consanguinité pourrait amplifier le risque de développement des MVL et l'endogamie pourrait accroître leur prévalence. Sur le plan thérapeutique, l'esthétique faciale a été corrigée et la fonction labiale rétablie. Aussi, l'action sclérosante de l'alcool absolu a été plus efficace que celle de tétradécyl de sodium. Enfin, chez les patients étudiés, la sclérothérapie à elle seule n'a pas résorbé les lésions et la chirurgie d'exérèse a été inévitable.
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    Incidence et facteurs associés des cellulites cervico-faciales d’origine dentaire au niveau du CHU Tlemcen « 2013-2016 »
    ( 2020-02-27) Dr MESLI Amine
    Incidence and associated factors of cervico-facial cellulitis of dental origin at the CHU Tlemcen "2013-2016" Introduction Cervical-facial cellulitis of dental origin (CCFOD) is an infection of the adipose tissue, face and neck, with extensive potential which can sometimes be serious and life threatening. Materials and methods : This is a prospective descriptive study at the level of the CHU of Tlemcen, going from October 2013 to September 2016. Among a population of 2500 individuals coming to consult the Service of Pathology and Oral Surgery of the CHL Tlemcen, 258 cases of CCFOD been collected and representing 10.32% of the workforce. The annual incidence has been estimated at 86 cases. Results and discussion : In our series, we have 58% men and 42% women, a sex ratio of 1.38. The average age of our series is 24.52 years with extremes ranging from 5 to 67 years. Clinically, we had 230 circumscribed CCFODs and 28 diffuse CCFODs. Pain and swelling are the two most common signs with a rate of 95.37%. Fever, asthenia and trismus were found with rates of 79.85%, 79.85% and 70.2%, respectively. The main risk factors associated with CCFOD are dental caries found at 89.1% and poor oral hygiene with a rate of 83.3%. Inappropriate antibiotic therapy was found in 61.17%, previous NSAID use was found in 36.43%, AIS in 6.20% and self-medication in 22.5% of cases. Tobacco, medical history (diabetes, heart disease, etc.) and alcohol are found at rates ranging from 4.70% to 21.7%. In 55.43%, the causal teeth are the mandibular molars. Signs of severity are dysphagia (15.5%), dyspnea (5%) and dysphonia (3.5%). Diffusion was mediastinal in 0.77% and cervical in 20.93% of our patients. The highest severity score, according to the Flynn classification, was the floor buccal / cervical diffusion association, low genial localization, mediastinal diffusion and low genial localization / cervical extension. The bacterial flora responsible was mixed aero-anaerobic with a predominance of anaerobic germs. Therapeutic care was provided on an outpatient basis in 90.70% of our patients. Hospitalization concerned 13.2% of them, including 28 diffuse cellulites and 6 suppurative circumscribed cellulites. The evolution was favorable in 99.61%. The death occurred in a diabetic patient. The majority of the results obtained are similar to the data in the literature. Conclusion Despite their common appearance, CCFODs can be serious and cause major complications. It would therefore be wise to continue this study in order to better understand this condition in our population.
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    Etude comparative de l’effet antifongique entre l’association Carvacrol - Eugénol et le Miconazole contre la stomatite sous prothétique chez l’édenté total appareillé
    ( 2020-10-12) Imane AZZOUNI
    Denture stomatitis (DS), a common lesion in toothless, caused by Candida albicans. Due to the recurrence and known resistance to antifungals, we will attempt to compare the antifungal activity of thyme and clove plants (containing carvacrol and eugenol) with that of Miconazole, and to determine their effective concentrations, by elsewhere the prevalence of DS was sought and the causative agent identified. Material and Methods: The prevalence of DS was calculated in patients recruited from the Tlemcen Dental Prosthesis Department. 78 smears were performed on the maxillary prostheses to look for the causative agent. The essential oils of Thymus fontanesii (Thyme: plant endemic to Algeria) and Syzygium aromanticum (Clove: Origin Indonesia) were obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by CPG-SM. The antifungal activity of a gel prepared on the basis of their mixture was compared with that of Miconazole, as well as their anti-biofilm activity tested in experimentation on acrylic resin samples, vis-à-vis Candida albicans strains by micro dilution in measuring absorbance. The cytotoxicity of the gel was evaluated on human gingival fibroblasts placed in direct contact. The data was processed by SPSS version 23 and GraphPad version 5. Results: Prosthetic stomatitis was found in 32% of our fitted patients. Candida albicans was isolated on 59% of the maxillary prostheses, a bi and tri-species contamination was also noted. Carvacrol and Eugenol were the main compounds in Thyme and Cloves. Thyme oil was the most active, dose dependent. A combination effect of the two essential oils has made it possible to reduce individual concentrations by one level. The antifungal efficacy and the anti-biofilm character of the formulated gel was found to be similar to that of Miconazole. The gel was as effective as Miconazole. The gel used was not toxic to human gingival fibroblasts, nor to histological sections. Conclusion: The results we have obtained are interesting and can open up prospects for industrial applications in pharmaceuticals
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    Étude du profil clinique et microbiologique des maladies parodontales chez les patients présentant une maladie cardiovasculaire
    ( 2023-01-29) Madame Amel ZOUAOUI
    Introduction:In recent years, more and more studies have enabled the reintroduction of the association "oral infections and general diseases". Thus, periodontitis could present risks in many circumstances, among others, cardiovascular diseases, especially ischemic, synonymous with atherosclerosis. Problematic :From the pioneers, Mackenzie and Millard, Mackenzie, Syrjänen, Matilla, and DeStefano, studies have continually poured in from all over the world, reaching the same conclusion that proves the regularity of the alliance. But what about the situation in Algeria? It is to answer this question that we have chosen to address this study with the main objectiveof describing the clinical and microbiological status of periodontal disease in patients with cardiovascular disease. Materials / Methods: This was a cross-sectional descriptive study, with an analytical aim ,over a period of three years (October 1, 2015 until October 31, 2018), in the periodontology service of university hospital center of Tlemcen, in patients meeting our criteria for inclusion. Consultation trays, sterile paper cones (for bacterial samples) were used. hsCRP (high sensitive C-reactive protein ) micro-index of the inflammatory process, in which periodontal disease takes place, and at the same time an indicator of cardiovascular risk, represented the biological parameter of our study. It was carried out by nephelemetry from blood samples. Results / Discussion:75 patients were recruited. The mean age was 48.64 ± 1 years. The sex-ratio was 1.12.30,7% of our patients had a high sensibility C-reactive protein(hsCRP) ≤ 1 mg / l, with a low cardiovascular risk, compared to 34.7% for a hsCRP between 1 -3 mg / l, or greater than 3 mg / l, characterizing a moderate, severe cardiovascular risk. hsCRP was linearly proportional to gingival index (GI), pocket depth, loss of attachment confirmed by Pearson's linear correlation coefficient r(0.8, 0.5, 0.6) attesting to the strength of the association. The bacterial species identified by conventional PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) most associated with high cardiovascular risk were: Treponema denticola (Td), Tannerella forsythia (Tf), Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg), Aggregatibacter actionomycetemcomitans (Aac), Fusobacterium nucleatum (Fn), Prevotella intermedia (Pi), Parvimonas micra (Pm),et le complexe Pg-Td-Tf.New generation sequencing (NGS) revealed the presence of more than 17638, 14454, 10058 bacterial species. Conclusion:The results obtained by our study highlight the potential role that periodontitis could maintain in the crescendo increase of cardiovascular risk. The implementation of a program to promote oral health, and therefore periodontal health, which is decidedly inseparable from cardiovascular health, must prevail in our prevention strategies